Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Biosolids: Embrace the Waste
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Technology in the Human Body Field
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Genetic Diversity in the Food We Eat
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Genetic Advancements: When is the Line Crossed?
Procedure 1 -
There are currently two ideal ways in which one can genetically alter a baby's outcome. The first would be exactly what you would think this process would be. It is called In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
This is basically modifying anembryos DNA before introducing it into the womb. We've discovered that certain genes result in certain traits. For example, in mice, the addition of an extra gene, NR2B, causes the mouse to learn faster and retain more knowledge. This same gene exists in humans, so it is possible that preforming the same surgery on a human embryo could result in a smarter child. However, there are quite a few problems with this. First of all, adding this extra gene could prove to have deadly affects by possibly interfering with the duties of other genes. It's also important to remember that genes can have more than one effect, so you may end up with some undesirable effects. In contrast to that, some genes only work in combination with others, so again, the effect may not be as wanted. Until a lot more research is done, this type of genetic modification will be very unstable. However this procedure can just as easily be used to cure genetic diseases by removing the deadly genes. The ethical and social problems come into play when we think about how this technology will work when perfected. We will be able to create perfect humans, a sort of super race, and what will happen to the regular people like you and me. Will we become inadequate?Procedure 2 -
This procedure is currently being used to prevent genetidiseases and other similar problems. It's called Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). Basically what happens here is that, a collection of embryos from the parents are taken. These embryos are grown to the eight cell stage, at which point the cells are checked to see if the desirable genes are there. Only the embryos that contain the desirable genes or lack the objectionable genes are introduced to the womb. This is great for couples that have a deadly genetic sickness which could easily passed down to a son or daughter, however it can be used for some questionable purposes. It can be just as easily used to check for the desirable genes like previously mentioned, so that you select the embryo that you believe will give you the best offspring. Another controversy is the fact that the disagreeable embryos are terminated. Just like abortion, the problem starts when people argue about how early it is until an embryo is considered life, and killing it is considered murder. Some may believe that all of those embryos have a right to life, and it is hard to decide where the line is.
Ethics -
There are a ton of very controversial arguments on this entire subject. For one, the idea that this will be possible means that we will have an even bigger gap in society. These procedures will most likely only be available to those with more money. This will mean that the children of the rich and wealthy will become perfect and disease ridden, while those less fortunate will be left even further in the dust. Another issue is the line where treatment for diseases and enhancements is made. This is more of a personal opinion than fact necessarily. Some people will not like the idea of humans being created to be in a certain way. There should be something divine about that. At the same time, it's true in some ways that we're already designing our babies. Parents choose things like school, programs, friends and many other aspects of their child's life with the hope to affect their child in a certain way. Those who fear this genetic modification must realize that genetics does not trump environment. In fact, it can be said that, even though a child may be genetically engineered to do certain things, depending on how they're raise by their parents and other factors, they could end up being completely opposite. In this way we already do have designer babies. The scarier part of the idea that humans can modify genes is warfare, in my opinion. It should be obvious that governments will immediately try to take advantage of technologies like this. We will have soldiers modified to serve specific duties. Even more frightening is the idea that we will be able to possibly mix our human species with another species to create an entirely new one!
In my opinion, technological advances are what makes us human. However, when it comes to choosing every detail of our being, I think that there is something very inhumane about that. At the same time, it is true that the environment of the child is just as important, maybe more. I think we should do what ever we can to prevent sickness in society, but there are many scary aspects to this technology. If anything is clear, this is not a resource we can allow to fall into the wrong hands.